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cara belajar efektif dan efisien


All success to be achieved requires a process, not least learning if we want to learn to be successful it is necessary to learn the strategies that can be effective, and the process is not boring aka fun. Effective and fun way of learning is absolutely necessary, in order to later be able to provide the very maximum results. Especially for students, students and all those who are in the overall learning process, learning the proper method is needed, because it is a key condition for the coveted best achievement. So, from now on, try to apply the learning to be effective in your daily life.

How to learn effectively requires serious discipline and perseverance. Yup .. in all seriousness it is crucial. Why if the study methods are appropriate, but lived with me arbitrarily. The success of a person in the future, lies in how he runs his business at the present time. So again, a big dream can be realized as long as it is definitely planned and executed with great seriousness and great responsibility and must know about how to learn effectively.

Effective Study Tips and More. And here are six steps that you must know how to learn the easiest and most effective things you can do now, before you regret it forever. Because besides you, perhaps your competitors are also reading this has begun to start from now.

Here is an effective way of learning that you can apply in your daily activities or even the very face of replications, test, TPB, UAS, UTS or academic tests:

1. Summarize the core material so that it becomes a summary
At first effective way of learning in all subject matter, there must be a subject matter. Well, this incarlah and summarize that allows you to understand every detail of the lesson. By doing so, you are able to vigorous memagang what really must be mastered.

2. Active and Creative in following subjects
Do not wait for the father or mother a teacher or lecturer asks a question to you. From now on, start acting active while it is in the process of learning how to teach effectively in the classroom. Do not be passive. That way, in case things really understand it yet you have a better chance to direct the solution described by your teacher.

3. Studying in groups
Well, learn how effective this one too much to give a huge benefit for you. By applying learning together or groups, will be able to share with each other with other friends about the specifics of subject matter that may be difficult to be solved or understood.

4. Developing existing subject matter
For most students, it is still very rarely done or applied. Whereas if effective way of learning is done well, the impact will be very visible. Look for everything / no questions in the exercises, and later you can ask directly to the father / mother was a teacher who taught the lesson. From now on, develop the material as much as possible in order to further explore the subject matter.

5. Discipline in all things including learning
Well, this efktif learning is one key to the success or failure of everything. In the absence of a discipline, it seems impossible to achieve maximum results. Arrange for you and start learning what you already plan to do with discipline.

6. Enrich Reference supporters
To get a reference support in this era is not difficult. Library school / campus has been provided with a very complete. If indeed you can not find the reference you want, you can still surf the internet with very freely. Almost everything is available in cyberspace. Please use Internet technology to support your learning.

Well, maybe that's some of the easiest ways to learn effectively can we represent. Hopefully what we've been given is to provide benefits to you and you can immediately put it into practice as soon as possible.

After we've had above explains how to learn effectively summarized in general, this time we discuss about how to learn effectively that menyenangkanataupun not make bored when you're learning.

Learning, that's the word that every day students are doing, either elementary, middle or high school. They do that to make them smart and can boast of a parent. However, sometimes make us bored to learn that we do not intend to learn. Well, below are some tips to make our daily learning can be fun and not boring:

1. Selingi break
If you start to feel tired or bored continuous learning, it's worth having breaks. Suppose every study 1 hour, rest about 10 minutes. We can do it, getting out ahead of the learning space, grab a drink or a snack, but do not forget to return again for learning.

2. Organize Learning Space
Comfort study room can also make our learning environment becomes palatable. Do not let the messy room, first trim items such disarray, if it would plasticity wider neat and fresh. It is also an effective form of learning that has a big factor.

3. Listen to Music
Some say if effective way of learning while we listened to music can ngebantu order to think clearly. Hmm .. may try tuh, but do not let the music played is kind of frenetic music, even can not concentrate later. Look for soft music, and instrumental music if you can (but be careful, you know not to fall asleep).

4. Learning to Practice
Effective way of learning that is not boring if the fourth is just learning to read (theory) course, could lead to saturation, cobain deh to do (practice). For example, science lessons, we can learn while observing plants, animals or whatever, so we can create a learning event so exciting, all prove the truth of the theory.
5. Studying the Routine
By learning the routine, we can remember the first lesson ever taught by a teacher or have never been taught.

6. Become a Detective
Detective? The right to learn instead mecahin crime? the point is, in the study, suppose the lesson as a puzzle to be solved, or the case of very difficult to resolve. Kayak detective Conan so, if we succeed mecahin the case, then we are a great detective.

7. Change Method of Learning
Do not learn the same way as continuous. you probably do not match the learning techniques like that, to our knowledge there are three types of learning effective methods that you can understand this.

Reading Methods: most of the people using this learning method, using a suitable person is not experiencing significant difficulties.
Listening Method: This type of person will be easier
Method 8. Create an atmosphere that is conducive
In learning how to be effective, you have to create an atmosphere that is conducive, comfortable and quiet to study. This method is one good way to learn because after all if you want to learn the material that was really get into your brain, you have to be calm and in a state that is comfortable. So do not disturb concentration. Learning outdoors is probably a pretty good choice, because in addition to more fresh, we can also more calm and not tired in the study.

9. Often but not long
Learning should not be too long, whereby the per often you learn, like the morning 45 minutes, during 15 minutes, 30 minutes late, the night 1 hour, insha allah learn how effective this can work well.

10. Understand not Memorize
If you memorize something you do not necessarily understand. When you understand the topic being studied, automatically you will understand. This understanding will help you analyze the answers. So, let me because the drive around, you can definitely answer. Sure, some subjects it takes memorization. For example, the date or the names of historic figures. The key, read over and over again, without you realizing it would be inherent in rote memory by itself.

Truly effective way of learning is easiest to learn that arises from the heart, not of necessity. This article is inspired from various sources and our own self. Sometimes we learn lessons when we read had been no entry at all .. not useless if we learned a long time but nothing is recorded by the brain. Hindaripenyakit in learning. Hope it helps for your learning activities.


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