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Showing posts from February, 2016

cara belajar efektif dan efisien

LEARN HOW EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT All success to be achieved requires a process, not least learning if we want to learn to be successful it is necessary to learn the strategies that can be effective, and the process is not boring aka fun. Effective and fun way of learning is absolutely necessary, in order to later be able to provide the very maximum results. Especially for students, students and all those who are in the overall learning process, learning the proper method is needed, because it is a key condition for the coveted best achievement. So, from now on, try to apply the learning to be effective in your daily life. How to learn effectively requires serious discipline and perseverance. Yup .. in all seriousness it is crucial. Why if the study methods are appropriate, but lived with me arbitrarily. The success of a person in the future, lies in how he runs his business at the present time. So again, a big dream can be realized as long as it is definitely planned and execut